9 Benefits of Privacy Glass you need to know before Installation

9 Benefits of Privacy Glass you need to know before Installation

Stained glass films: How to get rid of prying eyes for 50 UAH? Tired that, passing by, everyone looks into your windows? Or would you like to make the glass on the interior door less transparent? An excellent solution would be a self-adhesive stained privacy glass film for glass. Only 50 UAH will save you from the problem, and will […]

How to choose best quality smart tint film? (Beginners Guide 2021)

How to choose best quality smart tint film? (Beginners Guide 2021)

There are a wide variety of smart tint to choose from when considering improving the quality of the environment in your home and its energy efficiency. You can choose to add more curtains to your windows, or use double pane glass. It is to reduce the heat exchange between your home and the outside. While […]

How does switchable privacy glass save from harmful UV rays?

How does switchable privacy glass save from harmful UV rays?

What you need to know about polarized films and how they work? There are a wide variety of options in switchable privacy glass to choose from when considering improving the quality of the environment in your home and its energy efficiency. You can choose to add more curtains to your windows. You can use double pane […]

What is window privacy film? Types, Application & Tint Film Cost

What is window privacy film? Types, Application & Tint Film Cost

What is white window film? White window tint is basically used for privacy. It makes the interior of the vehicle obscure and does not block the light. Moreover, it makes your car look better. Similarly, it does not make the interior dark. In this way you can enjoy the privacy in full command. Furthermore, white […]

10 PDLC film ideas you can Apply on Home Windows in 2021

10 PDLC film ideas you can Apply on Home Windows in 2021

Which film to choose? Know the main types available When faced with a glass window that lets intense light into the environment, one of the first thoughts that occur is to install pdlc film. One of their relevant characteristics is that they, for the most part, do not add decorative information to the environment, such […]

6 Benefits you can enjoy with Electric Blackout Glass Film

6 Benefits you can enjoy with Electric Blackout Glass Film

Make new out of old: modern windows that fit your old building Windows let light into your apartment. It can provide access to the balcony and terrace, are fresh air inlets and offer numerous other advantages. However, especially when installing new electric blackout glass film, you can minimize this risk. Maintain appearance; improve efficiency with electric […]

Dynamic Glass vs insufilms which one is better for privacy?

Dynamic Glass vs insufilms which one is better for privacy?

Do you need thermal comfort in summer? Protection from the sun is not only a matter of health for our skin, but also of comfort. Excessive sun rays, especially in summer, raise the temperature of the environment too much. Thus, by blocking the sun’s rays and reducing the entry of heat, the Dynamic Glass guarantees […]

Adhesive privacy window Films: What they are and how they protect privacy?

Adhesive privacy window Films: What they are and how they protect privacy?

Energy saving at home Tips, tricks and practical tips Whether you are at home or in the workplace, we’re sure you don’t like being spied on. Yet it can happen, especially when you are near a stained glass window. How to avoid it? You could use blinds or curtains, but they block or restrict natural light from entering. So the […]

What is electric glass: 20 Things You need to consider before buying Privacy Glass

What is electric glass: 20 Things You need to consider before buying Privacy Glass

Switchable Glass Technology and Types: A beginner Guide Electric glass with variable transparency is getting popularity worldwide. They are now actively conquering the market. Hence, we can say they are an example of the effective use of high innovations in everyday life. Another name for this development, widely known to both professionals and ordinary people, is […]

What is smart privacy glass? (Smart Films cost, Function, & Application)

What is smart privacy glass? (Smart Films cost, Function, & Application)

How expensive is electrochromic glass? An Ultimate Guide   Imagine Luxurious panoramic windows, stylish doors and partitions that can, at your request, turn from a transparent state to a milky matte color. Switchable Smart privacy glass is not a fantasy! This is reality for our clients.  If you have decided to change the windows of your home […]

window tint suppliers: 6 Best Tint Window Films to buy in 2021

window tint suppliers: 6 Best Tint Window Films to buy in 2021

Tinted metal-plastic windows Window tinting is widespread and has many applications: from increasing the aesthetic appeal of interiors to protecting premises from ultraviolet radiation. Tinted glass ennobles even the poorest interiors of apartments and small private houses. And window tint suppliers use tinting successfully d in business construction for a very long time. Ways of tinting […]

window tint film suppliers Best Guide about Athermal and Tinted Film (Pros & Cons)

window tint film suppliers Best Guide about Athermal and Tinted Film (Pros & Cons)

Athermal  vs ordinary smart film: What is the difference? Despite the fact that most cars are factory-tinted, many car owners prefer the good old tint film. This is due to personalize the car and minimize the ability to view the car interior from the inside. How to choose window tint film suppliers? Let’s figure it out. What you […]
